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Sunday, February 6, 2011

shameless plug weekends

Two shameless plugs this week.  I am personally very excited about both.


I feel so incredibly blessed to be a patient of Linda Huang Tolentino, Acupuncturista at Winchester Center for Acupuncture and Health.  She's extraordinary.  Her depth of knowledge, creativity and passion for holistic healing overwhelm me each time I visit.  If you need to work through something physically or emotionally and you are feeling blocked, contact Linda.  She's brilliant, compassionate, thoughtful and beautiful.  She's THE BEST!!! 



I'm all jacked up about Meatless Mondays - WHO'S WITH ME??  STARTING TOMORROW!! - and Jen William's terrific blog has surfaced just in time to help us perform.  Jen's blog features yummy step-by-step recipe instructions complemented by gorgeous pictures and colorful stories told in her uniquely authentic voice.  But she goes way beyond recipes...  Jen researches the crapola (that might be one of her words?) out of food issues and delivers them to her readers with insight and simplicity.  If you are ready to eat consciously, or if you already do, JW's blog is a fantastic read!

One of the shots from Jen's step-by-step "Faster Than a Speeding Bullet Chili".  Pretty, huh?  And it's only half way done!


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