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Friday, October 14, 2011

where fashion meets godliness

 I spent last week in the lovely city of London with two of the most amazing women you'd want to know. While there we padded as much of the city as we could, happily playing the roles of ultimate tourists.

Like any committed tourists, we had a shopping lists. Mine was very specific. I figured this typically overcast country would be the ideal location to purchase rain gear, so I focused intently on a quest for rubbers and found success in the form of a pair of navy rubber ankle booties by Vivienne Westwood.

Since the weather was strangely glorious in London that week, I didn't have a chance to wear the booties until today, a rainy day at home in New England. While driving in my car I noticed a perfume-y smell filling the air. It took me a few minutes to realize that the scent was wafting up from my tootsies. The boots were scented! What a kick! I slowly inhaled and laughed out loud at the playfulness of scratch-n-sniff rain boots and continued to thoroughly enjoy this cheeky surprise all the way home.

Those silly boots reminded me... when the weather is stormy and the sky is opening up on your head, just take a deep breath in and be happy. In this case, quite literally.

Peace, love, gratitude,


  1. Are you kidding me??? Is that the smell :) hilarious!!!!

  2. Yesssssssss! Took me a few days to realize that the bubblegum smell was not wearing off! Funny, huh???? xoxoxoxxoxoxox

  3. Um...speaking of smell...I just have to say after reading this there is a smell of..confusion? hypocrisy of character? The dichotomy between the "I need to find peace/harmony/myself/a farm" and the blatant conspicuous consumerism/hot mommy/rolex/hot boots thing lends me to think that this whole blog is not of a true intent, but is really a "show" by an entitled mom who yearns to display how cool and yoga-esque she is amongst the wealthy-mommy set with a self-fulfilling blog. Sorry, but I can't take any of this 2-sidedness seriously anymore. Moving on to where I can find purity and groundedness.

  4. Wow, this comment left a pit in my belly. But i get your point. Though i've never written anything about hot mommies or rolexes and I'm certainly not on display, i do write about my experiences and myself as a multidimensional human beingAnd forget two sides. I've got a thousand sides. And i'm honest about it. We all like beautiful things. It's part of our humanness. And i don't apologize for being human. Or for liking the things i like. Or experiencing the world through travel. Or for being the person i am. Im not sure how a silly entry about smelly boots induced such a hateful commentary, especially bc I only bought them to keep my feet dry. But to each her own, even if it's said behind a screen of anonymity. I don't hide. I let all my sides show... The good, the bad, the ugly. And, yes, this blog is self-fulfilling. My spiritual journey has been an amazing one and writing this blog has helped to keep me honest, and is absolutely thereby self-fulfilling. (It also relieved my friends of having to hear me talk about god all the time. ;-) The "everything happens for a reason" moment I'm experiencing now is this: I will lay my head on the pillow tonight without anger or regret. I won't obessess on your words. I won't judge you as you have judged me. I'm totally OK with the fact that you think I'm a phony. Because I know better.


  5. Loved your response V! It's so true - ALL of us have SO many sides!!! No one is ONE dimensional, that in itself is an impossibility! Besides the fact that you never claimed to be one dimensional! And why can't you be a hot mommy who finds peace with yoga & the universe while enjoying rainboots?! I love your candor, humor, honesty & rock!


    P.S. A good book (perfect for Halloween too) to talk to kids about duality is Zen Ghosts by Jon J. Muth...same author as Zen Shorts - with Stillwater the panda :-) It opens up the discussion of who I am with my parents vs who I am with my friends vs who I am at school with teachers, etc... Just a thought :) xoxo

  6. Thanks, Cree McD! It's all good. I'm thinking it was just a case of mistaken identity anyway. Pretty sure she has me mixed up with Melissa Gorga from New Jersey Housewives. ;-) And thank you for the book recommendations! I love the kid-focused reads. I learn from them, too! Doreen Virtue writes a children's book called "Thank You Angels" that is really great. My friend gave it to P along with another one called "Peaceful Piggy Mediations". Both are very cute. Will pick up Muth for them next! Love love!!!! xoxoxoxox
