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Friday, May 4, 2012

formula for purpose

discovering and following your life's purpose is formulaic.  pre-algebra-style.  ;-)  look at this:


a) identify your god-given gifts

b) embrace your gifts and love yourself


c) yield a treasury of gifts that are meant to propel you in the direction of your life's purpose


w) identify your challenges 

x) realize that these challenges are the only things holding you back 

y) do something MINDFULLY every day that turns these challenges into assets


z) realize that you are more powerful than your challenges 


c) yield transformation of challenges into a treasury gifts that are meant to propel you in the direction of your life's purpose


2c = YOU!  (the only thing you need to successfully pursue your life's purpose)  

wrap your gifts up and present them to the world


everyone needs purpose.  the longer i live, the clearer this becomes to me.  in my day-to-day actions and interactions, i try my best to be mindful of intent.  intention is key to growth.  if you can't define what you want and why, how will you get anywhere?  and if we hope to live a full and enriching life, doesn't it make sense to set a large-scale intent?  we can do so through discovery of purpose.

there are many ways to clarify your purpose in life.  some people just know intuitively.  some people discover through prayer.  some people find their purpose through failure.  i think i've used all of these methods - DEFINITELY the failure one.  (uuuuggghhh.)  

if you are stuck, try numerology.  it is such a terrific resource.  i use numerology to confirm my purpose, my gifts and my challenges.  and i was amazed how accurate my charts were and how neatly these numbers brought clarity to my ever-questioning mind.  honestly, the numbers pointed to things i already knew about myself.  but they provided me with a vote of confidence and great game plan.

i'm in transition between my 7 pinnacle and my 3 pinnacle.  pinnacles are areas of particular strength over a period of time.  the 7 pinnacle, present for me between ages 27 and 36, is indicative of a time during which i committed myself as completely as i could to study.  i had an intense desire to master a subject, which is dead on.  i ate, breathed, slept spirituality.  loved loved loved it.  and i still do.  the pinnacle periods are peaks, not chronological limitations.  

between the ages of 37 and 45, i'll be experiencing my 3 pinnacle which is a time for the limelight.  this is a period during which i will have heightened creativity and crave lots of social interaction.  again, these are qualities i've had for a long time.  i've always been a creative person with a big personality.  during this time i will need to remind myself that these are the gifts god has given me and i should not apologize for them.  i will use these gifts with the best intention.  

these strengths are umbrellaed by the number 9, my life path number, which represents my life's purpose.  the 9 energy is that of humanitarianism.  the 9 must serve a cause bigger than the self.  the 9 is big picture, self-sacrificing.  so i can find peace, balance and synchronicity in this life by using my gifts to serve human kind.  

but, of course, there are challenges, too.  b/c without challenges, how do we appreciate the journey and learn the lessons?  numerology separates life into thirds to define challenges.  i'm in the second third of my life, when my challenge, the 1, is about will-power and strength.  i need to dig down and find the confidence and discipline to move forth with my purpose.  the energy of discipline is represented by the number 4, a number that is karmically imbalanced for me in this lifetime.  so i know that if i'm going to find success, i need to have confidence in my personal power and consistently work my ass off.  time to bust out the red undies.  ;-)  

i'm happy to help you with your numbers.  it takes about 10 minutes for a general overview and all i need is your birthday.  even if you don't know me personally, i'm happy to do it.  just friend me on FB.  i've done it for a bunch of peeps now and i'm always so thrilled to see how people vibe with the numbers.  or check out the book "numerology" by hans decoz.  it's SO EASY to do.  

peace, love, gratitude!


  1. Numbers? I'd love to know what my numbers are... I'm thinking that would be kind of interesting!! :)

  2. message me on FB with your birthday and your phone number. i'll call you back. :-) xoxoxox
